Easter Morning

Easter Morning: A Reflection from the Pre-School Group There were no lights on in the church and the cross was bare. People wandered in, young and old to add their single flower to the cross; Easter was too late this year for daffodils and so we brought what we could find or buy, tulips and […]

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Our First Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday: Some Reflections from the Pre-School Group… A small group of people had come up with the idea of a procession, and the turn-out was bigger than I had expected. Bee had cut some long palm branches down from her garden and brought them for us all to carry. We gathered together to share […]

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The Sign of the Cross (1)

This Easter Sunday, many people attending our morning service responded to the invitation to decorate a rough-hewn wooden cross with individual flowers of their choice.  The result was rewarding.  The combined colours of twenty or more varieties included bluebells, camellias, daffodils, forget-me-nots, heathers, lilies, narcissus, pansies, polyanthus, roses, tulips and violets.  A very splendid and […]

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Cream Tea for Japan

A charity cream tea was held at our church on Palm Sunday to raise money for British Red Cross workers helping in the worst hit areas of Japan. A prime mover behind the event was Rumi Payne, who has been a member of our church for many years.  Rumi was born in the Tokyo suburbs, […]

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“God is everything that is good, as I see, and the goodness which everything has, is God.” – Julian of Norwich Spring was slow to arrive this year, but when it finally came I’m convinced I heard it.  You see, there were no green shoots: it had been so cold.  The woods had no carpet […]

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God’s Welcome

The Bible study in March continued the series on evangelism, this session looking at ‘God’s Welcome’. Jesus’ teaching was both radical and revolutionary.  We find it challenging because it’s often the opposite of what we expect, but God’s mission is to change and transform the world.  He turns world values upside down. As the church […]

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