Poem for Mothers

Best friends Katie Green and Sophie Roberts wrote this poem and read it in church on Mothering Sunday. This is a poem to all the mums to say thanks for all you have done: You help us out through the bumps in the road; you help us carry the heaviest load. You dry my tears […]

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Our Prayer Box

Our Prayer Box is situated in the church foyer, and is for the use of all visitors to the church.   If you would like us to pray for you, for someone you know, or for a situation that worries you, you are invited to put your request in the box.  Church Prayer Meetings are held […]

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Winter Ending

I woke to hear the soft sound of the rain, Oddly insistent in my drowsy ear. It quickened, and I saw a storm of hail Plummeting down, to whiten path and lawn. Above me swept the trailing skirts of cloud, Flying before the swift hounds of the wind. Below my window, clumps of snowdrops bloomed, […]

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What is God’s Mission?

Our Vision4Life study group on 24 February 2011 focussed on the subject of Mission.  Minister Stephen Thornton introduced the topic by explaining that Mission is God’s ministry, in which we all share.  This led to the question:  What is God’s mission?  (If we don’t know, how can we share in it?) We were referred to […]

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Awake, awake to love and work!

On a recent Sunday morning our Minister said “Our closing hymn is number 608, “Awake, awake to love and work!  The lark is in the sky…” At this point I glanced idly down to the author and read G A Studdert-Kennedy (1883-1929).  At once I was transported back to the story of a young priest […]

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Seeds of Time

This morning in the fitful early light Beyond the near, familiar scene I saw, Beyond the cherries, pines and copper beech, Beyond the pitch of roofs, a further tree, Distant, unmarked before, which now emerged, Shining against grey cloud, ethereal, Its thinning leaves light green and touched with gold. Its fragile beauty, knocking at my […]

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Mind the Gap

This week, representatives of the United Reformed Church, together with other Christian Churches and charities, delivered a strong message on poverty to prime minister David Cameron.  This coincides with the launch of Church Action on Poverty’s three year campaign entitled Close the Gap, which challenges Church and political leaders to give, act and pray to […]

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