Induction of Revd Ruth Dillon

A Service of Induction of Revd Ruth Dillon to the Joint Pastorate of the United Reformed Churches of Fleet and Beacon Hill took place at Beacon Hill URC, Hindhead, on Saturday 23 February 2013. Officiating at the Service were the Revd Clare Downing (URC Wessex Synod Moderator), the Revds Iain Stewart and Graham Hoslett (Interim […]

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Induction of Revd Ruth Dillon – Photos

Photos from the Induction of Revd Ruth Dillon to the Joint Pastorate of the United Reformed Churches of Fleet and Beacon Hill, which took place at Beacon Hill URC, Hindhead, on Saturday 23 February 2013.  For more details, see report. From left to right: Revd Iain Stewart, Revd Ruth Dillon, Revd Clare Downing, Revd Marion […]

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Burns Night 2013

The tradition of Burns Night was kept alive in our church once again this year.  More than seventy friends and members of the church family met together to enjoy a supper of haggis, neeps and tatties.  Colin and Liz McClune hosted the evening and entertained us with a light-hearted account of the poet’s life plus […]

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A Final Letter from our Interim Moderator

To my dear Friends at Fleet United Reformed Church: Well, it has come to that time when I must hand you over to your new minister, Ruth Dillon. As I do so I want to thank you all for the wonderful welcome you have given me during my time as Interim Moderator. It has been […]

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Pilots Support Needy Children

Our Pilots group supported ‘Operation Christmas Child’ in December. We had to cover shoe boxes with Christmas paper and fill them with gifts for needy children.  Our small group managed to complete 15 boxes, and in addition members of our church helped us to raise £80 to help with distribution and shipping costs. We all […]

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Winter Morning

Who can regard the sun? Its all-revealing rays Dazzle the eyes of those Who too directly gaze, Yet when moisture charged the air The sun, a soft red ball, Muted, its glittering glaze Rose in the winter dawn. So, if we seek God’s face, We cannot see it plain. Its radiant holiness Half-hidden must remain […]

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Our Young People Prepare for Christmas

Our Loaves and Fishes young people’s group decorated this screen, which illustrates the Christmas story – ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’. Our Pilots group have been talking about Christingle and its symbolic meaning: an orange representing the world; a red ribbon tied round it to represent the blood of Christ; dolly mixtures to represent the […]

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Present Aid Gifts Give Hope

Give something different this Christmas, and help change lives. The gifts that you purchase on the Present Aid website represent a donation towards the work that Christian Aid does around the world to fight poverty. You won’t actually receive a duck, or a bicycle or a well, but you will be helping families in countries […]

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