The Story of Fleet Pond

Many of us take the beautiful nature reserve on our doorstep for granted, knowing little of the origins and history of Fleet Pond.  When Colin Gray of the Fleet Pond Society spoke at our Harvest Thanksgiving Service he was able to tell us how the Pond and town developed. The area in which the Fleet […]

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Nurturing Our Heritage

God has given us glorious gifts in nature, but we have to learn how to nurture and conserve our heritage.  We neglect or abuse the natural world at our peril. This may seem to be a contemporary issue that we are just beginning to grapple with, but as long ago as 1976 a group of […]

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Gifts Galore!!!

Many congregations these days are suffering because of a dearth of practical gifts available from the people.  When asked in Church Membership classes what their gift is, folk often say they haven’t got one. So at Church Meeting we had a look at Paul’s first letter to the Church in Corinth. Paul used to spend […]

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Why Go to Church?

A churchgoer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. “I’ve gone for 30 years now,” he wrote, “and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons.  But for the life of me, I can’t remember a single one […]

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Wonderful Windermere

In June this year some of our church family made a return visit to the Lake District, following a very successful church holiday there last year. The group were led by minister Stephen Thornton, and were based at the Windermere Centre, the national training centre for the URC.  Those who went were asked for their […]

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97 Years!

On Sunday 5th July we celebrated our 97th anniversary. Our guest preacher, Rev Dr Susan Durber (Principal of Westminster College, Cambridge) reminded us not to think in terms of bricks and mortar – we, the people, are God’s building, and Jesus Christ is our foundation stone. A time of fellowship and refreshment followed the service, […]

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Are we sitting comfortably?

“There it is again,” I thought, looking up from the pages of ‘Reform’ magazine.  By ‘it’ I meant the admonition, often found in Christian writing and addresses these days, to leave our comfort zone.  Often the expression ‘comfort zone’ refers to the everyday life of the church family and is used in a rather derogatory […]

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