Our Spring Craft and Gift Fair, held on Saturday, was a great success thanks to the organisational skills of Darrell Henderson with the support of her band of willing helpers. The delicious refreshments offered by our catering team were a great attraction as always, and included bacon rolls, home made soup and a wide range […]
Website for February/March
www.freshexpressions.org.uk Fresh Expressions encourages and resources new ways of being church, working with Christians from a broad range of denominations and traditions. A fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church. Fresh Expressions has three basic principles: […]
Prayer for February/March
February 4th 1906 was the birth date of the German theologian and Pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He became a minister in the Lutheran Church, and was outspoken about what was wrong when the Nazis first came to power. He spent two years as a minister in a church in London, but chose to return to Germany […]
Katie’s Confirmation
It was a wonderful occasion for celebration last Sunday when one of our young people, Katie Green, was confirmed during morning service. Katie is the granddaughter of Moray and Darrell Henderson, and has been coming regularly to our church since she was quite small. In her statement of faith, Katie said: “Hi – my name […]
Volunteer Internship 2014/15 – Great Opportunity
Could you be a volunteer Intern? Commitment for Life and the Christian Aid Collective are advertising a 10-month volunteer internship, bearing a special responsibility to engage members of the Fellowship of United Reformed Youth (FURY) in Christian Aid’s campaign work. It includes a two-week trip abroad to witness the work of Christian Aid partners and […]
Commitment for Life – Prayer Request for Jan/Feb 2014
I am grateful for the gift of your time in praying for the Lord’s will in the work of Commitment for Life: Ecumenical World Development Conference, scheduled for 7-9 February 2014 – for the speakers, those involved in the logistics of putting on the conference, and all those attending. For the experienced to be granted […]
Commitment for Life Prayer Partners: Jan-Feb 2014
Extracted from Commitment for Life website, http://www.urc.org.uk/mission/commitment-for-life.html: Prayer Partners 2014 To pray is to seek to enter, in heart, imagination and mind, the situations of all our brothers and sisters across the world whom we have not met, and to place ourselves alongside them. January – Bangladesh We pray for the work of Christian Aid’s […]
A Message from our Minister
Dear Friends As I write this letter, I am mindful that Christmas is behind us, and we are looking ahead to Lent and Easter. However every year we reflect on what Lent means for us as Christians, and as followers of Jesus. Jesus wandered in the desert, wrestling and struggling with what his future might […]
Burns Supper 2014 – Photos
Hosted by Colin and Liz McClune, our Burns Supper this year proved as popular as ever, and tickets sold out weeks beforehand. Following the traditional meal of haggis, tatties and neeps, Colin gave the address to the Immortal Memory and Liz gave a delightful performance of two of Burns’ songs. The evening concluded with some […]
Burns Supper 2014 – More Photos
More photos taken at this year’s Burns Supper: