Commitment for Life – Prayer Request for Jan/Feb 2014

Commitment for Life logoI am grateful for the gift of your time in praying for the Lord’s will in the work of Commitment for Life:

  • Ecumenical World Development Conference, scheduled for 7-9 February 2014 – for the speakers, those involved in the logistics of putting on the conference, and all those attending.  For the experienced to be granted a renewed energy for their own work and opportunities to mentor those just starting to work in this area.  To provide networking opportunities to open up new doors, ideas and connections that may not have been considered previously.
  • Every piece of the puzzle:

– within each of the partner organisations;

– the governments of the four partner countries/regions:
the new partner region, Central America;
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian territory; and

– private businesses and corporations; and

– the individuals to whom help is directed through these projects; and

– those in turn will be able to help as they are given new hope and opportunities.

That every jagged puzzle piece that seems awkward to match up, can become a very well made puzzle piece that fits together beautifully, with each of the lines of the pieces working together to flow like water that may change direction frequently – since the direct path may not be the Lord’s path – but will blend together to solve more than any one of us could ever have dreamed possible.

  • Please also pray as per the Commitment for Life Prayer Partners 2014 (see this website).

If you feel led to donate monetarily, Commitment for Life envelopes are available on the table at the back of the sanctuary for inclusion in the offertory collection.  At the moment they still reference Jamaica, which Christian Aid recently phased out.  Central America has been added in its place.  Donations are divided equally between Bangladesh, Central America, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and Zimbabwe.

With grateful thanks,

Tamyra Sherratt