A Covenant with God

In our first service of the New Year we were invited to join in the Methodist Covenant Prayer: I am no longer my own, but yours. Your will, not mine, be done in all things, Wherever you may place me, in all that I do and in all that I may endure: when there is […]

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Christingle Service

Our Minister led our Christingle and Carol Service on the evening of 22 December.  The day before, several volunteers got together to assemble 100 Christingles ready for the service. The Moravian Church has held Christingle services for over two hundred years.  This is what the Christingles represent: The orange represents the world: “It’s rounded like […]

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Four New Members

On Sunday 15 December we were delighted to receive Margot Cooper, Tamyra Sherratt and Alan & Evelyn Tyler into membership at Fleet URC.  Congratulations, and a warm welcome to you all: Revd Ruth Dillon with (top) Margot Cooper, and (bottom) Alan & Evelyn Tyler and Tamyra Sherratt.

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Website for December/January

www.retreats.org.uk A retreat is exactly what it sounds like – the chance to step aside from life for a while, to rest and just ‘be’ in a welcoming, peaceful place. Who goes on retreat? Retreats are for ordinary people at any time in their lives.  There are no expectations on anyone going on retreat, and […]

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Prayer for December/January

For Christian who are Catholic or Protestant, Christmas Day itself is the focus for prayer and celebration at Christmas time. Christians of the Orthodox Church (such as in Russia and Greece) have a quiet celebration on Christmas Day, but have the Epiphany (6 January) as their main day of prayer and celebration at Christmas time. […]

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