Our Advent Parade and Gift Service

Here are some photos from our Rainbow, Brownie and Pilots Advent Parade and Gift Service today.  All gifts will go to Fairways, the SeeAbility residential home in Fleet. The service was led by our Minister, Revd Ruth Dillon.

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The Journey Has Begun

Advent 2014 saw Fleet URC’s first Posada.  The Posada is a Mexican tradition, based on Mary and Joseph’s search for somewhere to stay on their journey to and arrival in Bethlehem.  Our interpretation saw knitted figures of Mary, Joseph and the donkey journeying from one home to another.  Many members of our congregation joined in […]

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Operation Christmas Child Appeal

We have had our best-ever response to our Shoebox Appeal this year.  The whole church was involved, with our young people coordinating the efforts.  With all the donations and gifts we received we managed to fill over 50 boxes.  In addition, some people elected to sponsor boxes on line and we also collected £120 towards […]

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Our Autumn Craft and Gift Fair 2015

Scores of people came in from the driving rain and gusty winds on Saturday to enjoy the beautiful crafts and gifts on sale at this year’s Autumn Fair.  A warm welcome awaited everyone – plus a chance to sample our tasty bacon rolls, warming home made soup, and freshly baked cakes! (Click on photo to […]

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All Souls Service

Our All Souls Service, led on Sunday afternoon by our Minister Ruth, was an opportunity to celebrate the gift of life and a joyful remembering of those we have loved. One member of the congregation described it as a “really beautiful and thoughtful service”.  

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FACCTS Team Lead Family Service – Photos

Morning worship last Sunday was led by members of the FACCTS Team (Fleet and Crookham Churches Together in Schools). The Team wanted to tell us about the things they do with children when they go into the schools, which includes acting out Bible stories.  Two impromptu stories were then demonstrated by the Team, helped out […]

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New Church Rainbows Group

A warm welcome to our new Rainbows group – the 8th Fleet Rainbows – who meet in our church hall on Tuesdays between 4.30 and 5.30 pm.  There are 15 Rainbows and 4 leaders (‘Owl’, ‘Fox’, ‘Rabbit’ and ‘Kingfisher’). During the first half term the girls have enjoyed getting to know each other, playing games […]

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Christmas Choirs

Calling all singers! Christmas is only a matter of weeks away, so we will be forming adults’ and children’s choirs again. Adults who are interested in joining a choir should speak to Nessie Black; and children, Brownies and Rainbows should see Ruth.

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Paint Fleet Pink

This coming week, 10th- 17th October, is ‘Paint Fleet Pink Week‘, raising money and awareness for Frimley Park Hospital’s Breast Care Appeal.  Here at Fleet URC we’re supporting the Appeal by asking everyone to wear pink to church on Sunday 11th October, and the offering that day will go towards the Appeal. Full details of […]

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Harvest Decorations – Photos

Our Minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, led our Harvest Thanksgiving service on Sunday, taking as her theme ‘The Song of Creation’.  We were delighted to have our Rainbow and Brownie groups participating in the service, and the church was packed full as we celebrated God’s continued generosity and faithfulness. Here are some photos of our Harvest […]

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