New Members Welcomed

It was a great start to 2017 when six new members were received into membership at our morning service on 15th January. (From left to right)  Carol Rayner, Grace Easton, Pauline Porter, Pam and Steve Lucas and Chris Porter were all welcomed by our minister Revd Ruth Dillon (centre).  In the same service Meg Nicholson, […]

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Prayer for the New Year

God who breathes through all creation, Breathe through all hearts as we stand on the cusp of another year. As we smell the freshly baked bread, as we drink the heady wine, may your food energize us, heal us and enable us to love your people and be part of restoring your Kingdom of Justice […]

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Baptism of Jake Peter Hermanson

We were delighted to welcome Christine Webb and Charl Hermanson as they brought their baby son, Jake Peter Hermanson, for baptism at this morning’s service – our second baptism this Advent. Jake’s godparents were Tracey Webb and Sean Hermanson, and he was supported by many more family members and friends.  Our minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, […]

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Angel Bombing in Fleet

If you are shopping in Fleet town this coming Saturday (17th),  look out for our knitted Angels – 1083 of them!  And they all want a home, because everyone needs an Angel in their home. Please let your friends and family know.  We have been so well supported by our knitters.  Thank you all.

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Baptism of Ava Isabella Daniel

This morning proud parents Isabel and Simon Daniel brought their baby daughter, Ava Isabella, to be baptised into the family of God.  It was lovely to see so many friends and family members come to support her on her special day.  It was also a Parade Service, so there were many young people in the […]

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Our Shoeboxes are on their way

A total of 37 shoeboxes filled with Christmas gifts were sent on their way from our congregation on Sunday.  Mrs Maureen Grew came to collect the boxes, plus a cash donation from the church, on behalf of the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child appeal. We hope that the gifts we are sending will bring some […]

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Autumn Craft Fair 2016

Thanks to the hard work of Darrell Henderson and her team of helpers, it was another resounding success for our 10th Autumn Craft Fair on Saturday. Hundreds of beautiful crafts and gorgeous gifts were on sale, plus our usual tempting refreshments – hot bacon rolls, warming home made soup and delicious home made cakes. Our […]

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Reform Magazine

Have you thought of subscribing to Reform magazine? Reform is published 10 times a year by the United Reformed Church but has readers from all Christian denominations, as well as readers from other faiths and from no faith tradition.  It is a fresh and challenging magazine exploring theology, ethics, personal spirituality and Christian perspectives on […]

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