Reason to Celebrate

Last Sunday we were delighted to welcome baby Freya Baker, who was brought for baptism by her parents, Nick and Lisa. Freya is the great granddaughter of Dorothy and Les Hicklin, both long-standing and faithful members of our church and well known to many in our congregation. Nick and Lisa were supported by many of […]

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Christmas Party Fun

Our popular Wednesday coffee morning celebrated the end of another enjoyable year with a Christmas party. New friends and familiar faces met together to enjoy plentiful party food and a happy social time. There was also the opportunity to buy last minute Christmas gifts while supporting the Ocean Stars Trust. The morning was rounded off […]

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Carols and Christingles

It was a production line this morning as a group of us met to assemble the Christingles for our Carol Service tomorrow afternoon. We have plenty of Christingles to share – come along and collect yours tomorrow, Sunday 18th December, 4 pm. We look forward to seeing you!

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Welcoming Our New Members and Elder

During morning service on 20th November we were delighted to receive Carol Woods, Lisa Murphy and Ken Smith into membership at Fleet URC.  All three friends are already well known to our congregation at Fleet. Our minister, Revd Helen Everard conducted the service and at the same time ordained Grace Bagshaw as an Elder.  Congratulations, […]

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