Our Christmas celebrations captured in photos:
Angels Arrive in Fleet
On a cold, wet and windy morning, when most people were still tucked up in bed, Christmas angels arrived in Fleet town centre in their hundreds. Hanging from trees, squeezed behind door handles, huddled together in doorways, they brought their messages of Christmas cheer to those who were lucky enough to find them: ‘Light of […]
Coffee Morning Christmas Party Fun
The instruction was to ‘dress festive’, and most people did just that when they came along to our coffee morning Christmas party. There were Christmas jumpers galore, party hats – and even our very own ‘Elf on a Shelf’! The Christmas party was a ‘thank you’ to coffee morning regulars for their support over the […]
Christmas Greetings from Palani Mission
We have just received this Christmas message and photo from Revd John Abraham of Palani Mission: ‘Greetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May God richly bless you. In order to share the good news of Jesus Christ we have arranged a Christmas programme in one of […]
Craft Fair A Great Success
Our annual craft and gift fair has been an eagerly awaited fixture in the diary for many years now, and this year’s event did not disappoint. With a wide variety of different crafts for sale, all demonstrating amazing talent, there was plenty to tempt shoppers and encourage an early start on Christmas shopping. Our delicious, […]
Preparing for Christmas – Photos
Preparing for Christmas…. Blessing of the knitted angels, angel bombing, making Christingles, Christmas coffee morning.
Daily Meditations for Advent
The season of Advent is traditionally the time when we prepare to celebrate the coming of God as a human, and to look forward to Jesus coming to renew all creation, as well as the renewing of our hearts today by the Holy Spirit. As an aid to this, I am offering a Contemplative Advent […]
Keep Awake! New Advent Resource
The Rev’d David Coleman, Chaplain for Eco-Congregations, Scotland, has prepared a visual Advent Calendar with a short 90 second reflection for every day of Advent. Lots of wonderful videos of Scottish scenery and wildlife! You view them all as they are published, here: https://www.ecocongregationscotland.org/advent-keep-awake/
Autumn Fair a Great Success
Our annual Autumn Craft Fair is renowned for the wide variety of quality goods on sale, as well as its friendly atmosphere and excellent home made refreshments. It is always well supported by our local community, and this year was no exception. This was a great opportunity to make a start on the Christmas shopping […]
Christmas Party Fun
Our popular Wednesday coffee morning celebrated the end of another enjoyable year with a Christmas party. New friends and familiar faces met together to enjoy plentiful party food and a happy social time. There was also the opportunity to buy last minute Christmas gifts while supporting the Ocean Stars Trust. The morning was rounded off […]