Here are just a selection of the wonderful goods that were for sale at our Autumn Craft Fair, which showcased the talents of all the skilled and extremely talented contributors. The Fair was very well attended, and has now become an established event in the local calendar. It takes place annually on the first Saturday […]
Photos from our Autumn Craft Fair (2)
Some more photos from this year’s Autumn Craft Fair, which was organised by Mrs Darrell Henderson. The Fair has a reputation for delicious refreshments, which are provided each year by our church’s Catering Team, seen here with Darrell.
Website for October/November The Progressive Christianity Network Britain (a Registered Charity, no 1102164), works to promote and support open and contemporary Christian understanding. They provide a network of local groups across the county, publish a radical quarterly newsletter, and organize regular conferences and events. Members come from all denominations, and enjoy links with other progressive Christian movements […]
Introducing Helen Everard
At Ruth’s suggestion, I am writing a bit about myself, so you all feel you know who I am, and why I am at Fleet URC. I am training to be a URC Assembly-accredited lay preacher on the Training for Learning and Service programme. I have completed my Foundation course, and have now just one […]
Prayer for October/November
The persecution of Christians has been severe in Communist countries. Karl Marx was the inspiration behind Communism. The daughter of Karl Marx explained to a friend that she had never been brought up in any religion, and had never been religious in any way. She said that she had just come across a prayer “which […]
Harvest Thanksgiving Service – Photos
Our Harvest Thanksgiving Service was conducted by our Minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, on the theme ‘A Land of Milk and Honey’. Our young people took part in the service, alongside Rainbows, Brownies and Pilots, as well as representatives from Byways supported living in Odiham.
Harvest Supper 2013 – Photos (1)
On Saturday evening, 28 September, we held our customary hog roast Harvest Supper. An evening of good food, fun and fellowship was heartily enjoyed by all, as can be seen in these photos.
Harvest Supper 2013 – Photos (2)
Commissioning Service – Photos
Some photos from our Commissioning Service for the Leaders and Helpers of the Junior Church. (See Commissioning Service – Report.) Commissioning of Leaders and Helpers In our church every age group is represented – from ages one to ten, and every decade from twenty to ninety! Children’s banner depicting the story of Joseph and his […]
Commissioning Service – Report
Commissioning Service for the Leaders and Helpers of the Junior Church In recent months we have been gathering evidence for the United Reformed Church’s ‘Child Friendly Church’ award. This award recognizes the Church’s commitment to the children and young people in their care in nurturing and developing their Christian faith. The leaders and helpers play […]