Our Christmas Gift Service

The first Sunday in Advent was also our Christmas Gift and Church Parade service.  Alison Cooper was invited to receive our gifts on behalf of Parity for Disability.  Parity is a local charity which supports children and adults with multiple disabilities, their families and carers. The service was led by Mrs Helen Everard, supported by […]

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Blue Christmas Service

A Reflective Service of Hope and Healing for the Holiday Season For those suffering from recent loss though death, divorce, separation, unemployment, depression Thursday 19 December, 7.30 pm Cries of “Merry Christmas!” and non-stop carolling contrast with the feelings of many people at this time of the year.  For those suffering from the recent or […]

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It’s Official – We’re a Child Friendly Church!

We are proud to announce that we have now been officially recognised as a Child Friendly Church! Secretary Moray Henderson, accompanied by three young people from our church, was presented with the Award at a meeting of Wessex Synod last Saturday.  The Child Friendly Church scheme is nationally recognised, and acknowledges churches who can prove […]

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Operation Christmas Child – Our Photos

Since 1990, more than 100 million boys and girls in over 130 countries have experienced God’s love through the power of simple shoe box gifts from Operation Christmas Child.  Samaritan’s Purse works with local churches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts. Last year our Pilots group completed several shoe boxes to send to needy […]

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Another Successful Craft & Gift Fair!

Saturday 2nd November saw our Church buzzing with visitors to our sixth annual Gift and Craft Fair. The day started with a welcome and prayer from our Minister Ruth Dillon, who welcomed our stall holders.  Many of them we now consider as our friends, as they have attended year after year. There were many different […]

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Photos from our Autumn Craft Fair (1)

Here are just a selection of the wonderful goods that were for sale at our Autumn Craft Fair, which showcased the talents of all the skilled and extremely talented contributors.  The Fair was very well attended, and has now become an established event in the local calendar.  It takes place annually on the first Saturday […]

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Website for October/November

www.pcnbritain.org.uk The Progressive Christianity Network Britain (a Registered Charity, no 1102164), works to promote and support open and contemporary Christian understanding.  They provide a network of local groups across the county, publish a radical quarterly newsletter, and organize regular conferences and events.  Members come from all denominations, and enjoy links with other progressive Christian movements […]

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Introducing Helen Everard

At Ruth’s suggestion, I am writing a bit about myself, so you all feel you know who I am, and why I am at Fleet URC. I am training to be a URC Assembly-accredited lay preacher on the Training for Learning and Service programme.  I have completed my Foundation course, and have now just one […]

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