A New Year for our Children’s Groups

September marks the beginning of the new school year, and also the re-starting of our young people’s groups.  In what has become an annual tradition, our minister Ruth marked the occasion by recommissioning the leaders and helpers of these groups, blessing them all for another year of ministry. Two of our young people, Alice Bagshaw […]

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Baptism of Florence Chevalier

We were delighted to welcome Florence Aimée Chevalier to God’s family when her parents brought her for baptism on 6th September.  Florence is the daughter of Zoe and Dan Chevalier, and sister to Eve and Isla.  The all-age family service was conducted by Ruth, our minister, and lots of family and friends turned up to […]

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Pilots Outdoors

Our Pilots enjoyed a picnic in Oakley Park in July, and the following week met at Fleet Pond, where Colin and Mavis Grey of the Fleet Pond Society showed them how to make butterfly kites.  A good time was had by all in this last event before the summer holidays.  

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Happy Birthday to Us!

At Fleet URC we are celebrating our 103rd anniversary.   Here’s a photo of our young people with a special card made by the Loaves and Fishes group.  The knitted sheep they are holding represent all of us, God’s flock, who frequently wander away or get lost.   Yet God knows us each by name […]

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June Parade Service – Photos (1)

Here are some photos from last week’s Sunday Parade Service with our Uniformed Organizations. Our Minister, Ruth Dillon, introduced the theme, which was ‘Knowing God’ – how we can know God through the world around us. Rainbows and Brownies illustrated this by their poems, an interpretation of the Creation story from Genesis, and by showing […]

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A Message from the Manse

Dear Friends As I write this pastoral letter, a lot of things are whirling in my head: in fact this is my third draft, as I want to tell you so much abut what I have learnt in recent days. Ministers’ Spring School is an occasion when URC ministers from Wessex Synod gather annually to […]

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