Save the date

Save the date…  Saturday, 4th November. Our popular Autumn Craft Fair is only four weeks away!  It is always a great opportunity to stock up on gifts – or maybe to treat yourself – and to enjoy some of our delicious home-made refreshments.

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URC at Greenbelt – Festival Summary

The United Reformed Church’s theme of ‘More than Welcome’ at Greenbelt this summer was based on the question posed in Luke 14, 15-24: “Who is missing from the banquet?” Hundreds of adults and children responded in various innovative ways to this challenging question.  The following summary points give a flavour of the weekend: 80 churches […]

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Our Harvest Thanksgiving

We celebrated our Harvest Thanksgiving yesterday with an all-age and parade service led by our minister on the theme of ‘Rest, Replenish and Recycle’.  Our Rainbow and Brownie groups contributed readings, prayers and a short enactment on the theme. Our Harvest gifts were donated to the Vine Centre, Aldershot, a charitable organisation which provides valuable […]

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Coffee Mornings during August

Please note that during the month of August our church Coffee Morning will meet as follows: Thursday 3rd: at Conkers’ Garden Centre, Greywell Road, RG24 7LJ; Thursday 10th: at Fleet Parish Community Centre, Church Road, Fleet; Thursday 17th: at Squire’s Garden Centre, Badshot Lea, GU9 9JX; Thursday 24th: at St John’s Church, Fleet Road, Hartley […]

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Church Anniversary Barbecue

More than sixty members and friends turned up to enjoy our church anniversary barbecue on a lovely warm summer’s evening.  Good food, good fellowship, and good weather – what more could we ask for?

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Bird Kebabs

The young people in ‘Footsteps’ this morning studied these words of Jesus: Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground unperceived by your Father.  And even the hairs of your head are all counted.  So do not be afraid; you are of more value than […]

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Support for Ocean Stars Trust

Our coffee morning last week was a fundraiser for local charity, Ocean Stars Trust.  This charity was set up by Dilanee Bunter in 2005, initially to help rebuild shattered lives following the Boxing Day tsunami.  It now supports a wide range of projects across Sri Lanka, with a special interest in offering greater educational opportunities […]

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Support Fairtrade in Hart

There will be a Hart District Council Fairtrade Event – ‘A Celebration of Fair Trade’ – on Wednesday 14th June, 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm at the Harlington Centre, Fleet GU51 4BY.  This will be a free event with guest speaker Adam Gardner, Community Campaigns Manager at the Fairtrade Foundation.  There will be Fairtrade refreshments, […]

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