General Assembly Moderator Preaches at Morning Service

We were delighted to welcome General Assembly Moderator Revd Nigel Uden to Fleet today. The theme of our morning service, which was led by our minister, was The Transfiguration.  In his addresses to the congregation the Moderator spoke about powerful encounters with God, and how we are all called to be Epiphany People.  We should […]

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Enquiring about Christianity?

The Christian Enquiry Agency, acting as part of Churches Together in England, have developed a new website for those trying to find out more about the Christian faith. Although personal conversations are often the most effective way of sharing faith, this website is a useful resource for those starting their journey of faith online. To […]

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Curry Night a Great Success

Our church hall was packed full on Friday night when over 80 people gathered to enjoy yet another great Curry Evening, courtesy of chef Saju Mathew and his family.  These evenings, held to raise funds for Palani Mission, have become very popular in recent years, and always promise a plentiful variety of delicious, freshly cooked […]

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Marshmallows and Spaghetti

What is the tallest structure you can build using only marshmallows and spaghetti?  Our young people’s group had fun finding out last Sunday.  What the marshmallows and spaghetti taught us was that, though individually we may feel weak, by working together we can be strong.

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A happy and blessed New Year!

May God bless you with love, peace, hope and joy in 2020! Why not get the New Year off to a good start by joining us for our covenant service tomorrow, 5th January?  Many URC churches have now adopted the Methodist tradition and hold this service at the start of a new year. It is […]

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Angels have landed!

Christmas angels landed in Fleet this morning! Angels bearing messages pointing to the true meaning of Christmas descended on Fleet town centre early this morning – a lovely surprise for people arriving for work and early shoppers.

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Palani Photos and Videos now on-line

In October this year our Minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, together with Bee Griffiths, made their second trip to Palani Mission in Tamil Nadu, this time accompanied by Val Cox.  A report on their visit is now available by clicking on the button below: You can also read more about their life-changing experiences and see their […]

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Palani Mission Success Story!

We are excited to share these photos from the first meeting of the new medical clinic held in Puliampatty yesterday. This free clinic has been funded for one year by the Friends of Palani Mission following Ruth, Bee and Val’s recent trip, and will give out eye drops, vitamins, dressings, pain killers, creams and injections.  […]

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Beautiful Crafts & Gifts

Those who braved the wind and rain to come to our Annual Craft Fair today were in for a treat.  Here are just some of the beautiful crafts and gifts that were on sale.  Such talent!  Wonderful home-made refreshments too were much appreciated too.   Save the date for next year’s Fair – Saturday 7th […]

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