A Bubble of Peace (Faith & Life Podcast #10)

Ruth encourages us to find ‘bubbles of peace’ – times when we can feel embraced and renewed by God’s love. This podcast may also be accessed by dialling this number: 01252 978353. You will hear a recorded voice say, ‘Welcome to Fleet and Beacon Hill United Reformed Church. The latest Faith and Life podcast will […]

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A Prayer for the Lebanon

Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. (Isaiah 40:1) Holy God, ever present, our hearts are once again heavy as we watch the disaster in Beirut unfold. We pray comfort for those who have lost loved ones and remember those who have lost their lives, commending their souls to your care. In the midst […]

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Companions (Faith and Life Podcast #6)

In this week’s Faith and Life podcast Ruth considers the pets who share our lives with us.       This podcast may also be accessed by dialling this number: 01252 978353. You will hear a recorded voice say, ‘Welcome to Fleet and Beacon Hill United Reformed Church. The latest Faith and Life podcast will […]

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