Seeds of Hope – Lent 2021

Look at this new page which will bring together all sorts of activities, materials and resources in preparation for and during Lent 2021. Our focus, in these difficult days of pandemic and lockdown, is Seeds of Hope. There will be details of our growing project throughout Lent and nurturing our faith through reading and sharing […]

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Book of Remembrance for Fleet and Church Crookham

LivingStones are holding a Book of Remembrance for the people of Fleet and Church Crookham and the surrounding villages for those we have loved and lost through this current Pandemic. This is open to anyone who would like to add a name to the book. If you would like your loved ones’ names recorded together […]

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The Transfiguration

Sunday, 14th February – The Transfiguration Welcome to weekly worship with the churches of Fleet and Beacon Hill URC. Today Lay Preacher Sydney Shore OBE brings us much to consider about The Transfiguration. Sydney has chosen two very well known and much loved hymns for us to sing along to at home which profoundly complement […]

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More Goats for Palani

We are delighted to hear that, thanks to our ongoing support of Palani Mission, we have enabled twelve more goats to be bought and given to twelve families.  Goats are particularly useful because families can milk and breed from them. Sheeba John, wife of the Revd John Abraham, pastor of the Mission, writes: ‘Thank you […]

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Spiritual Strength in Prayer

Sunday, 31st January – Spiritual Strength in Prayer Welcome to weekly worship with the churches of Fleet and Beacon Hill URC. This Sunday we welcomed Lay Preacher Thelma Roberts to lead our worship. Thelma’s chosen reading was from Mark’s Gospel about the early days of Jesus’s ministry, and how Jesus always found Spiritual Strength in […]

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100,000+ Remembered in Prayer

A prayer on the day that the pandemic has claimed more than 100,000 lives in the UK Lay preacher Karen Smith writes:  If, like me, you feel you need a time of quiet and prayer at the news that more than 100,000 people have died from COVID19, here is a prayer written by John Birch […]

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Listening Prayerfully

Sunday, 24th January – Listening Prayerfully This Sunday we welcomed Lay Preacher Anna Crawford to lead our worship. Anna chose a reading from the book of Acts, in which those engaged in prayer don’t recognise the answer to their prayer! The service includes hymns and prayers encouraging us to Listen Prayerfully. Many thanks to our […]

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Something Good Can Come from Nazareth

Sunday, 17th January – Something Good Can Come from Nazareth Welcome to Sunday worship with the churches of Fleet URC and Beacon Hill URC. Today we were delighted to welcome the Revd John Whitton once again to lead worship for us. John reflected on the reading from the Gospel of John focusing on the call […]

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