Welcome to our virtual weekly worship service with Fleet and Beacon Hill United Reformed Churches. We are beginning a short series of services for the month of June based on the Book of Acts: Following on from the events of Pentecost, Lay Preacher Karen Smith looks at the ways of the early church and how […]
Trinity Sunday
Sunday, 30th May – Trinity Sunday This is Trinity Sunday. The Reverend Stephen Thornton leads our worship this week, bringing us an insight into the doctrine of the trinity and how this helps us, as 21st century disciples, to share the teachings of Jesus with others. Thank you to Stephen for leading our worship, to […]
Pentecost Sunday: Opening Doors
Sunday, 23rd May – Pentecost Sunday: Opening Doors On Pentecost Sunday, Lay Preacher Karen Smith meets our local representative from Christian Aid to tell us more about the impact of the pandemic on Christian Aid, Laura’s role and the people they serve. As we are busy planning to return to church once more the images […]
God’s Healing Touch
Sunday, 16th May – God’s Healing Touch We are pleased to welcome Reverend John Whitton to lead our worship this Sunday. As Government regulations are easing and we may be permitted to hug friends and family again from next week, John brings us stories from Mark’s Gospel where Jesus’s touch brought healing, to illustrate how […]
Thy Kingdom Come, 13 – 23 May 2021
‘Thy Kingdom Come’ is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus. Through the centuries Christians have gathered at that time to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit. ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ picks up this tradition. Over the […]
Walk Humbly with your God
Sunday, 9th May – Walk Humbly with your God We welcome Reverend Howard Sharp to lead our worship this coming Sunday, with two very familiar readings – one from Micah from the Old Testament and one from 1 Corinthians from the New Testament. We will be singing two new hymns to tunes we know very […]
I am the Good Shepherd
Sunday, 2nd May – I am the Good Shepherd (with Holy Communion) Welcome to weekly worship with the churches of Fleet and Beacon Hill URC. Our worship today is led by Lay Preacher Karen Smith, who looks at the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd – such familiar imagery in both the Old and […]
Creation – Do We Care?
Sunday, 25th April – Creation: Do we Care? Welcome to weekly worship with the churches of Fleet and Beacon Hill URC. Our worship today is led by Lay Preacher Karen Smith, who thinks about Earth Day and our responsibility as a Christian community and individuals to care for creation. Do we really care? Thank you […]
Pray for India
We have received this urgent request for prayers from our brothers and sisters at Palani Mission: “Please pray for India… There is no control over people…they don’t wear masks and they are wandering around everywhere….. Please kindly pray for India… we are in the hands of God, with no words to explain…” This moving video […]
The Road to Emmaus
Sunday, 18th April – The Road to Emmaus Welcome to weekly worship with the churches of Fleet and Beacon Hill URC. Our worship today is led by our good friend, Revd John Whitton, and we continue to consider the resurrection appearances Jesus made to his disciples. John reflects on the reading from Luke’s Gospel about […]