Burns Night Supper – Photos (2)

Some more photos from our popular Burns Night Supper, which this year was attended by our interim moderator, Revd Iain Stewart, and his wife. Our catering team provided the traditional meal of haggis, neeps and tatties, which was followed by dessert.

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Out Now – URC Quarterly Update

The latest version of the Quarterly Update – the United Reformed Church’s electronic newsletter – has just been issued.  It contains news, views and diary dates, and is essential reading for keeping up to date with what is going on in the URC. In the current edition, the Revd Roberta Rominger, general secretary of the […]

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A January day: the sky was loud With boisterous wind, chequered by tumbling cloud But yet, beneath our feet, the earth’s asleep, Dreaming of February; roots that creep, Seeking for moisture, snowdrops seeking light, The golden crocus and the aconite, And then, in March, on every vale and hill, The clustering primrose and the daffodil; […]

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Our Jesse Tree

Each week during Advent the children hung special decorations they had made on the Jesse tree.  At our Christmas Day service, Revd Jill Thornton invited the children to add their final touches.

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Christmas in Bethlehem

Ibrahim Jaber, a Palestinian Christian living in Beit Sahour, has sent this Christmas message: “The little town of Bethlehem looks gloomy in spite of all the Christmas decorations that the local authorities are adding to it.  Yes, wherever one goes in the town one will notice these decorations.  But still the JOY of Christmas and […]

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The Christmas Spiders

Our young people have been busy decorating our Christmas tree entry for the Festival at St Philip and St James’ this coming weekend (9-11 December).  The theme of our entry will be ‘The Christmas Spiders’, based on a story by Stephanie Herbek. The children in Loaves and Fishes and the Little Rainbows group made the […]

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Lord, when You came to us, the world was dark: The land of Israel under Roman rule, Your precious laws obscured by man-made codes And all the people prey to hate and fear. You came, a human child, to set them free And to proclaim God’s grace and sovereignty. Jesus, our world is dark, so […]

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Christmas Tree Festival – Come and Vote!

This year, for the first time, we will be entering the Christmas Tree Festival at St Philip and St James Church. Our tree will be designed by Loaves and Fishes and Little Rainbows, and they will also be making the decorations.  So we need as many people as possible to come and vote for our […]

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