Welcome! Join us in our special service of worship for Christmas Day, led by lay preacher Karen Smith We gather on this Christmas Day as do so many congregations from around the world. We have journeyed together in song, prayer, scripture, praise and worship throughout this season of Advent on the Road to Bethlehem. We […]
Making Room (Faith & Life Podcast #26)
‘No room at the inn’: Jesus found no room in the hearts of many people throughout his ministry. Will we make room for Jesus this Christmas? Ruth’s Christmas message to us all. https://fleet.urc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/26.-23rd-December-2020-Making-Room.mp3
Blue Christmas
Christmas is not always as easy for everyone as we might think, and many will find it particularly difficult this year. If you, or someone you know, might find it helpful to acknowledge this and seek solace in worship, then a Blue Christmas service which offers time for the sad, confused or unhappy to reflect […]
Advent 4: A Service of Readings and Carols
Sunday Worship for 20th December 2020 – A Service of Readings and Carols Today, the fourth Sunday in Advent, we welcome you as Karen Smith and Tom Dean from Beacon Hill URC lead us in a Service of Readings and Carols and the lighting of the fourth candle on our Advent wreath. We gather together […]
The God Who Comes to Us (Faith & Life Podcast #25)
In this week’s podcast Ruth reflects upon the God who comes to us, and our response.
Advent Activities for the Young and Not-So-Young
When the end of term comes, there’s no need for the children to be bored while they’re waiting for Christmas! Here are lots of Advent activity suggestions for the young and not-so-young: Nick the Vic has produced some lovely videos called Stories of Hope, featuring Nick and his puppet friends, Sooty and Sweep. Two new […]
Fleet URC and Beacon Hill URC Christingle Photos
We had great fun this morning as we assembled our Christingles together on our live Zoom service, and thought of Christ’s light coming into our world. Here are some of the Christingles we produced:
Advent 3: Christingle Service
Sunday Worship for 13th December 2020: Christingle Today, the third Sunday in Advent, we continued our journey ‘On the Road to Bethlehem‘ in our Christingle service led by Lay Preacher, Karen Smith, with the lighting of the third candle on our Advent wreath, as it visits different homes in the church community. We had great […]
‘In Search of Christmas’ – Fleet Town Trail for Christmas
Join in the fun! FACCTS have made a Christmas trail for families to run through Fleet Town Centre, starting this Saturday 12 December. The trail is called ‘In Search of Christmas’ and features an elf, who considers that there might be more to Christmas than just Father Christmas and presents. To find out more, watch […]
Preparing the Way (Faith & Life Podcast #24)
In Ruth’s latest podcast she thinks about John the Baptist and how we are called to prepare the way for Christ’s coming in other people’s lives.