‘Elvetham Mysteries’ Exhibition

In the summer of 1979 Elvetham Park was the setting for a production of the Lincoln Cycle of Mystery Plays – the mediaeval religious plays which span the whole of human life from the Creation to Doomsday.  This summer, 37 years later, an exhibition of this event will be on display throughout August and September […]

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A Reflection from Sheila Durbin: Some Christians today seem to find it difficult or impossible to believe that the man Jesus was also God – two natures united in one person.  Indeed I suspect that if I knew more about the history of the church I should find that there is by no means an […]

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Ducks for Bangladesh

Our Pilots and young people’s groups have been busy raising money to buy ducks for Bangladesh. Duck farming is a new type of farming introduced by Christian Aid to counter the effects of climate change in Bangladesh, where flooding caused by climate change is destroying land and crops.  Ducks enjoy the wet weather and can […]

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A cake fit for a Queen!

Worshippers enjoyed a piece of a delicious celebration cake with their coffees following last Sunday morning’s service.  This splendid cake was baked in honour of the Queen’s 90th birthday by Maureen Coney.

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Week of Outreach planned

Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lor Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, […]

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Volunteers Needed

We are looking for more volunteers to help with the food preparation for our monthly drop-in afternoons. You will only have to help every other month, if enough people volunteer. It should take about 2 hours of your time, from 10am in the morning until 12noon. You will be making sandwiches, warming up soup, and […]

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Musicians Wanted!

Do you play the guitar or piano? Can you sing, or do you want to learn to drum? Junior Church is looking to form a band, and want to hear from everyone under 16 who would like to get involved. Please speak to Sarah or Al.

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Messy Church

This month’s Messy Church will be on Tuesday 7th, at 2pm in the church hall. Everyone is welcome. The theme will be the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den, and there will be lots of crafts and activities, as well as cake!

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Garden Party Treasure

The garden party held in June was a very successful event, raising an impressive sum of £212.60 for the Hospice. Guests were treated to tea and scones, with entertainment from ZeBoyz, Michael’s son’s ‘fusion’ band, as well as a game of croquet for those who wanted to play. The game was won by Diane, after […]

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