Easter fun with our young people this morning: making chocolate nests and solving clues for an Easter egg hunt!
Easter fun

Easter fun with our young people this morning: making chocolate nests and solving clues for an Easter egg hunt!
He is risen indeed! Our Easter cross.
Our church windows have been beautifully decorated for Easter with crosses made by our congregation and church groups.
Thank you to everyone who supported our fund-raising ‘Indian Dancing’ event on Saturday, organised by Friends of Palani Mission. The money raised will be sent to Palani to enable the tailoring project to start producing goods that they can sell.
The ’40acts’ Lent challenge starts on Wednesday. Have you signed up yet? You could start with a generosity kit, and below you can find the video Ruth showed in yesterday’s service to give you some ideas. You can sign up at:
Our Minister, Ruth Dillon, has been a volunteer reader for the Farnham and Alton Talking Newspapers (FATN) for the past 18 months. Recently she was interviewed by one of their presenters about her background and life story. This will be broadcast shortly as part of the Magazine for FATN listeners. You can hear the interview […]
Only two weeks to go… sign up now: https://40acts.org.uk/
Will you take the 40-day Generosity Challenge this Lent? Why not join our Minister and other friends at Fleet URC. Watch the 40acts video (below) for more information, or you can sign up here: https://40acts.org.uk/
Congratulations to Bernard and Mavis Potter, who recently celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Their son, Revd Andrew Potter, conducted morning service on Sunday 13th January, which was attended by many friends from years gone by, including several who were at Mavis and Bernard’s wedding in 1959. A card of congratulations from the Queen also helped […]
Everyone enjoyed a morning of fun and good cheer at our Christmas Coffee Morning.