Sunday, 15th November 2020 Welcome to weekly worship with the churches of Fleet and Beacon Hill URC. Our service today considers “The Radical Challenge” in following Christ. The Reverend John Whitton explores how this is embodied in our reading from Matthew’s Gospel and our prayers are led by Lay Preacher Karen Smith. Many thanks to […]
A New Heart (Faith & Life Podcast #20)
Ruth explains how her experience of working as a hospital nurse has impacted her faith.
Monthly Prayer Groups on Zoom
We meet together each month for 30 minutes of quiet meditation. We normally meet on Zoom on the second Monday of each month at 2 pm. The dates of our next gatherings are: 9th November and 14th December.
I’ve Started…. so I’ll Finish (Faith & Life Podcast #19)
Ruth reminds us of the importance of commitment when it comes to our faith.
Sunday Worship for 1st November 2020 – Calling Us to Encourage
Sunday, 1st November 2020 Welcome to weekly worship with the churches of Fleet and Beacon Hill URC. Our Minister, the Reverend Ruth Dillon, led our live worship on Zoom today, Calling us to encourage others when their faith is faltering. Ruth chatted to Nigel Poole about his role in the chaplaincy at Frimley Hospital & […]
21st Century Evangelism Part 2 (Faith & Life Podcast #18)
Continuing her theme from last week, Ruth encourages us to follow St Paul’s example and let God’s light shine within us for all to see. This is one way we can draw people to want to know Christ for themselves.
Sunday Worship for 25th October 2020 – Spending Time with God’s Word
Sunday, 25th October 2020 Welcome to worship this morning with the churches of Fleet and Beacon Hill URC. Our service this week is led by Lay Preacher, Karen Smith. This particular Sunday is nominated as Bible Sunday, when churches celebrate the impact the Holy Bible has in our lives individually and in the world wide […]
Bible Studies/Nurture Groups on Zoom
We meet on Zoom each month to look at different aspects of the Bible, and now, as we look towards Advent and Christmas, we will be exploring women in the nativity story. We normally meet on Zoom at 2 pm on the third Monday of every month. The dates of our next gatherings are: 26th […]
21st Century Evangelism Part 1 (Faith & Life Podcast #17)
In this week’s podcast Ruth reflects on how we can share the good news of the Gospel in the 21st century.
John Bradbury: Covid-19, Exile and Resurrection – A Message for the URC
The new General Secretary of the United Reformed Church, Revd Dr John Bradbury, has offered the following reflection for the church in our time of pandemic, encouraging us to build, plant and take advantage of new possibilities in a Covid-19 world, while we look forward to a resurrected church.