Daily Meditations for Advent

The season of Advent is traditionally the time when we prepare to celebrate the coming of God as a human, and to look forward to Jesus coming to renew all creation, as well as the renewing of our hearts today by the Holy Spirit.  As an aid to this, I am offering a Contemplative Advent Calendar which has been prepared by EngageWorship, a Christian organisation offering modern worship resources.

Scroll down for a Bible verse for each day of Advent, beautifully illustrated by Gemma Scharnowski.
[All content © www.engageworship.org.  Advent Cards may be purchased from their store.]

  • Begin your devotion time by taking a few deep breaths, centering your heart on God.
  • Read the day’s passage slowly, several times.
  • Note any word that stands out for you.
  • Reflect on what God might be saying to you through this word.
  • Respond to God – in prayer, spoken or silent, in your own words or others’ words.
  • Rest in God’s presence without an agenda, using the verse as an anchor point.

This way of meditating on a Bible verse uses the ancient practice of Lectio Divina.  Use it as a time for you and for God, to receive a blessing from the Bible and from God.
Revd Helen Everard

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