Our small working party assembled this morning to dress 90 oranges in their Christingle ornaments, ready for tomorrow’s service. It was a fun morning of chat over coffee and biscuits, whilst savouring the sweet smell of oranges – and of course all those sweets that got broken! Our Carols and Christingles Service takes place at […]
Angels in Fleet
Christmas angels were out and about early this morning, each carrying a special message for the people of Fleet.
Angels at the Ready
The Christmas angels have all been blessed, and are ready to target Fleet:
Goodbye, Paddington
Paddington Bear has moved on to the Church on the Heath now. However before he left he spent some time at our Thursday coffee morning and with the Knit and Natter group, who were busy knitting warm clothes for babies born in the poorest regions of the world. Keep up with Paddington’s adventures over the […]
Advent Quiet Day
Come and be still, and enjoy a quiet day before the rush of Christmas. An Advent Quiet Day on the theme of ‘Star of Wonder’ is planned on Saturday, 2nd December at Beacon Hill URC, Hindhead. Click here for more details.
Paddington Bear comes to Fleet!
Paddington Bear is making a long pilgrimage to visit every United Reformed church in Wessex Synod – and has started his journey at Fleet! Paddington was welcomed here on 19th November at morning service. He saw the baptism of Thea Harper McGhie and our Minister blessed him as he started his journey. He then helped […]
Baptism of Thea Harper McGhie
On 19th November we were delighted to welcome Nikki and Tom McGhie and their family and friends when they brought their baby daughter Thea Harper to be baptised. Thea is little sister to Charlie, JoeJack, and Amilie. The service was conducted by our Minister, Ruth.
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal
A total of 22 boxes was sent from Fleet URC this year in response to the Shoebox Appeal. The whole church was involved, and when Maureen Grew (representing Operation Christmas Child) came to morning service to receive the boxes we were able to give her a cheque as well, as a contribution towards transportation costs. […]
Crafts Showcase (1)
Here are some of the beautiful crafts on sale at our recent Autumn Craft Fair. Click on each photo to enlarge it and see details of the crafters. The following stallholders also exhibited lovely handmade gifts at our Fair: Anne Pepper: Fairway Dream Glass (tel: 01187931029; e: pepper.sa16@yahoo.co.uk) (All proceeds to the Brook Action for […]
Crafts Showcase (2)
Here are some more of the beautiful crafts on sale at our recent Autumn Craft Fair. Click on each photo to enlarge it and see details of the crafters.