Website for June/July

The following is taken from their website:

Embrace the Middle East is the exciting new name for BibleLands, a Christian charity which was set up in 1854. In our 150+ years of existence we have worked in many countries in the Near and Middle East, including Turkey, Syria, Egypt, the Balkans, Lebanon, Israel-Palestine and Cyprus. Currently Embrace supports projects in Israel-Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt.

Embrace the Middle East is a non-governmental, inter-denominational charity supporting Christian-led humanitarian projects in the Middle East. Our overseas partners provide health, education and community development programmes for the most disadvantaged people in the lands of the Bible – regardless of their faith or nationality.

Embrace the Middle East logoWe did consult many existing supporters about the new name, and while some said they preferred us to keep BibleLands if possible, however we chose Embrace the Middle East because it described where we worked and we felt it reflected our Christian calling to welcome the stranger, feed the hungry and help the homeless (Matthew 25), and that the cross at the centre of our new logo emphasised our confidence as a Christian charity.

We also felt that embrace was a very Biblical concept, one that invoked the inclusiveness that goes to the very heart of the Gospel. One paraphrase translation of Jesus’ comments in Mark 9:37 reads: “Whoever embraces one of these children as I do embraces me, and far more than me – God who sent me.”

Please visit the site and pray for the people of the Middle East.
