The Power of Music

Music can help children to communicate and interact with those around them.  It can help them to relax and to express their emotions; and it can support children with severe emotional problems caused or compounded by the effects of war, poverty, neglect or abuse.

Music Therapy

Project Bethlehem

Early last summer, the McCabe Educational Trust, together with the Diocese of Rochester, became jointly involved in Project Bethlehem, a fund raising initiative for music therapy in an SOS children’s village and school in Bethlehem.  Hannah McCabe, a volunteer, helped to train six members of staff in music therapy.  The staff were able to see the immediate benefits of interactive music-making on the children, including improved concentration, better communication and improved social interaction skills.

To read Hannah’s report into this initial phase of the project, click here.

To visit the McCabe website, click here.

Image: © McCabe Pilgrimages