Seeds of Hope: Turning the World Upside Down

Sunday, 7th March – Seeds of Hope: Turning the World Upside Down

Welcome to weekly worship with the churches of Fleet and Beacon Hill URC. Today Lay Preacher Karen Smith leads our worship, which is a Communion service. The reading from John’s Gospel explodes from the page as we hear of Jesus Turning the World upside Down in the Temple. We will be thinking about how following this feisty man means that we too must be people of action & look to see how we are being asked to turn our accepted ways of church upside down too.

We will also be catching up on the growth of your seedlings planted two weeks ago.

Thank you to Karen for leading our worship, to Tom Dean for the reading, and to Maureen Coney for leading the responses on our behalf.  All other credits are acknowledged on the Order of Service.

Click here for an Order of Service, and here for an Order of Service in ‘large print’ format.

Subtitles can be accessed once the video is playing. Click on the CC square, the first icon at the bottom of the right side of the video.

(For all copyright licences click here.)

You can now dial in to listen to the service. Please pass on the following information to anyone you feel might be helped by this (eg if they don’t have a computer). The recording will be available throughout the week.

The audio service is accessed by dialling this number: 01252 978350. You will hear a recorded voice say, ‘Welcome. The Fleet and Beacon Hill United Reformed Church Service will play shortly’; and then there is quite a long pause before the service cuts in. (Please be patient as this can take a while.) The cost of the call is your normal charge for an 01252 phone call.

Click here to watch all worship videos from Fleet and Beacon Hill United Reformed Churches on our YouTube channel.