Seeds of Hope – Lent 2021

Look at this new page which will bring together all sorts of activities, materials and resources in preparation for and during Lent 2021. Our focus, in these difficult days of pandemic and lockdown, is Seeds of Hope.

There will be details of our growing project throughout Lent and nurturing our faith through reading and sharing our thoughts about Bible passages related to SEEDS and HOPE, as well as mission and outreach bringing hope to others.

We hope the resources will support each of us as individuals to live in relationship with God, people and the whole of creation. The hope, too, is that they will enable us to discover new depths to prayer and spiritual growth and help nurture all of us as confident disciples as we seek to live out our faith seven days a week.

Our first Lent Group will meet on Zoom on Monday 22nd February at 11 am, and at the same time on the following dates: 1st, 15th, 22nd and 29th March.  Lay Preacher Karen Smith will lead these sessions, joined for some of them by Revd Ray Stanyon, who is our Development and Support Officer.  Discussion will focus on Seeds of Hope in people, in the scriptures, and in our discipleship. 

Discussion notes for all the Lent meetings can be found week by week on the Lent 2021 page.