Prayer for the New Year

open-hands-copyGod who breathes through all creation,
Breathe through all hearts
as we stand on the cusp
of another year.

As we smell the freshly baked bread,
as we drink the heady wine,
may your food energize us,
heal us and enable us to love your people
and be part of restoring your Kingdom
of Justice and Love.

Lord who delights in all human experience,
Delight in all people lives
as new opportunities come before us.

As we hold an anxious hand,
as we embrace the rejected,
may your tenderness
encourage us to live life in all its fullness,
and to enable others
to recognise the Divine spark within themselves
and so be part of restoring your Kingdom of
Hope and Truth.

Spirit, who dances to the music of a heartbeat,
Dance to conversations
that will bring wholeness
to people this year.

Direct us to those who are needing healing
whether physical, emotional, psychological sexual or spiritual;
people who are yearning for a ‘voice’
Whether man woman or and child,
regardless of age, race, culture gender or ability.

May your Shalom,
Be the gift your bring to us,
and may we use your gift wisely
to restore your Kingdom of Inclusivity and Wisdom


(c) Ruth Dillon 2017