Palani Mission Curry Evening Success

Yet another successful fundraising event was held on Friday when more than 70 guests enjoyed one of Saju Mathew’s famous curry evenings. 

Our former minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, started the evening off with a video-link message and a prayer.  The menu included lamb vindaloo, butter chicken and chickpea masala, all prepared by Saju with the assistance of his family.  It was especially good to see Melvin, who had returned from university to help out.

The evening was rounded off by an hour of entertainment from singer Miss Lianna Haynes, with a selection of music from the 50s, 60s, and 70s.

It was clear how much everyone enjoyed themselves, and all money raised from the event will be sent to Palani for repairs to roofs and houses to help mitigate the devastating effects of the monsoon season.  A recent transfer of money has already covered the first year of community nurse training for two students, Miss Amutha Priya and Miss Leela Priya.

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Lianna Haynes

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