Worship is created when we come together to praise and worship God. At Fleet URC this usually happens on Sunday mornings at 10 am.
Our morning worship is usually a traditional family service, with Holy Communion normally celebrated during the service on the first Sunday of the month.
In addition, there may be special services throughout the year when we gather together with other Christians in the area for joint worship services, eg the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and Christian Aid Week; and when we create and provide services for a particular need, eg our ‘All Souls’ Service and ‘Blue Christmas’ services.
The hymn book we use is ‘Rejoice and Sing’, supplemented by ‘Mission Praise’. We also enjoy singing new hymns written by hymn writers of other denominations. We are fortunate to have a fine traditional organ to accompany us, and we have a piano.
We have Parade services throughout the year, when we are joined by our Rainbow, Brownie and Guide packs. These are usually All Age services, which means that the young people remain in church with us throughout the service.
A hearing loop is installed for those using hearing aids.
For more information please email our Church Administrator, Margaret Armes, or phone her on 01252 650994. Or better still, why not join us at one of our services? You will be warmly welcomed.
Details of Forthcoming Services