Our Spring Craft Fair

Revd Ruth Dillon & Brownies

Well, another Craft and Gift Fair has come and gone again.  It was a great success.

It started out with a warm welcome prayer from Ruth Dillon, our new Minister – her first ‘official’ duty.  She then spent the day going around the tables getting to know our regulars and new attendees.

The ‘Crafters’ enjoyed the day as well – so much so that they all want to come to the next event, on the 2nd November!

The day has a special buzz, and everyone says they can’t speak highly enough of the warm welcome and the good feeling in our church.

I would just like to thank all the willing volunteers who made the day run so smoothly.  You all made it extra special.

Our thanks also go to the Brownies, who ran a very successful Easter Tombola stall, and raised £169.52, which they kindly donated to the church.

Darrell Henderson

(Photo above: Revd Ruth Dillon with Brownies)