Our Logo Competition Winner

The Friends of Palani Mission decided that they needed a logo to represent them – one that was simple and colourful, yet reflected the aims of the group and could be easily reproduced on fundraising materials.

They ran a competition to design the log, and this was open to all young people affiliated to our church – Rainbows, Brownies and Guides, as well as our ‘Footsteps’ young people’s group.  Several designs were submitted, which were reviewed by a Friends of Palani Mission meeting, and the winner was Mahima Eliza Saju, by a unanimous decision.

Congratulations, Mahima!  And a big thank you to all the other young people for their contributions, which demonstrated great imagination and creativity.

Mahima’s entry – in the colours of the Indian flag – was chosen because it is simple yet striking, and conveys the concept of partnership which underpins the relationship between our church and the Mission.

All the competition entries may currently be seen on the display board in the foyer of our church.   Mahima was presented with her prize – a box of artist’s materials – by our minister Ruth during a morning service.