Fleet’s Amazing Wildlife Sanctuary

Our Harvest Thanksgiving this year celebrated God’s harvest gifts in the beauties of nature, with a particular focus on Fleet Pond, the wonderful nature reserve which is at the edge of our town.

Fleet PondA special visitor to our morning service was Mr Colin Gray, Chairman of the Fleet Pond Society, who gave a history of the Pond and spoke about the work of the Society.

Fleet Pond has long been recognised for its wide diversity of wildlife, and in 1954 was one of the first nature reserves to be notified a Site of Special Scientific Interest.  It is a unique sanctuary for wildlife, with open water, reedbeds, marshland, heathland and wet and dry woodlands all supporting specialised plants and animals. Stag Beetle It is home to numerous species of birds, fish, insects, flowering plants and fungi – a testimony to the magnificent abundance of God’s creation.

Our Pilots group has visited Fleet Pond to see for themselves the creatures who live there.  Since then Mr Gray has come along to their meetings to tell the children more about the insects and birds of the pond.

Four-Spotted ChaserTo read what Colin Gray had to say about the history of Fleet Pond, click here.

To learn more about the work of the Fleet Pond Society, click here.

See also A Walk Round Fleet Pond.

(Photos:  Colin Gray & Flickr)