Daily Prayers for Christian Aid Week

Please join us in praying for Christian Aid this week –


God of all the nations,
so many of your children are crying out to you
worn down by injustice and suffering.
Help us to fulfil our goal of helping to make real the vision
that Christ spoke of as ‘the kingdom of God’
where justice reigns.
Help us to foster compassion one for another,
tolerating damage to no one and oppression by no system.
As we remember those living with HIV at this time
may we use all our energy and imagination
and trusting in your steadfast love
be united in conquering disease and fear.       ©Christian Aid


God of reconciliation and grace,
you promise us a world where all is new,
where love is born when hope is gone,
where broken relationships are restored to wholeness.
May we live as people who know your story of love,
and we have the vision to imagine what could be possible
if we dared to live this story.
God of abundant life,
may we be witnesses of love, hope and peace,
and co-creators of your life in the world.
Amen                                                                      ©Christian Aid


God of the impossible,
we pray for justice, peace and reconciliation.
And when the challenges seem too many,
remind us of your resurrection power,
and the miracles of your love that happen
whenever injustice is dismantled and rebuilt with peace.
Help us to hope that the impossible can happen
and live as if it might do so today.
Amen.                                                                        ©Christian Aid


Loving God, you make us in your image.
Forgive us when we fail to see your image in each other,
when we give in to greed and indifference
when we do not question the systems that are life-denying.
As we are made in your image,
let us live in your image
and be Christ-like
in service, endurance and love.
Amen                                                                          ©Christian Aid


God of all the world, give us wisdom in troubled times.
As we realise how fragile our systems of security are,
remind us how much more fragile they are for those who have nothing.
As we talk of financial crisis,
remind us of the true financial crisis for those who go to bed hungry.
As we face challenges over our own resources,
remind us that you teach us to share what we have.
Inspire us to live in a Christ-like way,
and to bring your peace to a world in turmoil.            ©Christian Aid


You spoke into the silence
Light suffusing darkness.
You spoke into the silence
Blowing clean life giving air into the space
You spoke into the silence
Warmth and cold infusing the air
You spoke into the silence
Solid ground formed out of gushing water.
You spoke voice carrying over the sound
People, plants and animals came to life.
You spoke each creation balanced against the next so life would be abundant and sustainable.
You saw everything you had made and declared it to be very good.
You spoke choosing to give us humans stewardship over all that You had made.
We speak and act
Darkness of pollution limits light levels and damages the air we breathe.
We speak and act
Ground poisoned, burnt, stripped bare.
We speak and act
Spoiling, limiting, destroying quality of life and life itself.
We speak and act
Without hearing Your call over the noise of the world to be good stewards.
You speak. You create. You want us to be stewards of Your creation.
We come to You to re-learn how to care for the earth and people you have made.                                                           Katrina Rowland April 2017


God who is love , your Love never fails.
Even in the darkest moments, love gives hope.
Love compels us to fight against coronavirus alongside our sisters and brothers living in poverty.
Love compels us to stand together in prayer with our neighbours near and far.
Love compels us to give and act as one.
Now, it is clear that our futures are bound together more tightly than ever before.
As we pray in our individual homes – around the nation and around the world – we are united as one family.
Amen                                                                                       ©Christian Aid