Craft Fair Supports Local Disadvantaged Children

Jill Blackburn receives a cheque from Carol Rayner on behalf of CaritasAfter a break last year due to the pandemic, our Autumn Craft and Gift Fair was back this autumn and proved as popular and well supported as ever.  Visitors enjoyed browsing the stalls, all laden with tempting and beautifully crafted gifts; and the tasty refreshments on offer were an added attraction (especially the bacon butties and the home-made soups!)

Among the stalls was a display by Caritas, who are collecting Christmas gifts for local children who might otherwise go without.  Carol Rayner was pleased to present their representative, Jill Blackburn, with a cheque in support of their valuable work (see photo). 

Our thanks to everyone who supported the Fair, and to all who worked hard to ensure that it was such a success.

Other photos from the craft fair may be seen here:

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2 comments on “Craft Fair Supports Local Disadvantaged Children

  1. I am trying to contact Carol Rayner about the Christmas Craft Fayre, i have lost her email address and wish to have a table for this year.
    Thank you.

  2. Hello Ken – thank you for contacting us regarding our 2022 Autumn Craft Fair. Please see my separate email to you. Warm wishes.

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