Congratulations, Alice!

We were very excited to hear that Alice Bagshaw has been awarded the URC’s Lundie Memorial Award for February 2024.  Alice was nominated for using her talents and time in her phenomenal fundraising efforts for her trip to Sri Lanka in support of Ocean Stars last October.

Phil Ray, one of the Wessex Synod Children and Youth Development Officers, presented Alice with her award at morning service on 17th March.  She received a certificate, a chocolate medal, and £100 to spend to benefit children and young people.

(Please scroll down to find out more about the Lundie Memorial Award.)

Awarded by the URC Children’s and Youth Work, each month the Lundie Memorial Award celebrates an individual aged under 26 who is using their God-given skills, time and talents to good effect within their church, their community, their Synod, or more widely.

The award is named after Revd Robert Henry Lundie, born in 1864 and called to be minister at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Birkenhead at the age of 19.  Twice Moderator of General Assembly, he was very active in promoting schools and Sunday schools, as well as working to improve social conditions, and he later set up a new congregation in Liverpool.  The people of Liverpool set up a trust fund in his memory, which the URC now uses to highlight the amazing things that children and young people do as disciples of Jesus – which often go unnoticed or uncelebrated.