Prayer Partners 2014
To pray is to seek to enter, in heart, imagination and mind, the situations of all our brothers and sisters across the world whom we have not met, and to place ourselves alongside them.
May – El Salvador
We pray for
Christian Aid partner Acudesbal, working with local communities to set up emergency committees and developing emergency plans to lessen the devastating impact of tropical storms, hurricanes and floods. Concepción Moratalla, one of the leaders in her community, explains “The early warning systems we now use have helped us greatly; they have saved lives.”
- and we give thanks for the help farmers receive after the storm destruction to plant new crops and new rice varieties which are resistant to floods. This should ensure that, if flooding occurs again, the community will have enough food to eat and to sell.
- those working for organisations supported by Commitment for Life through Christian Aid in the most violent country in Central America, with 19 per cent of adults victims of some form of crime each year. May they be inspired, strengthened, and protected when their work is dangerous.
With grateful thanks for your prayerful support.
Tamyra Sherratt
(photo credit: Christian Aid: Concepción Moratalla)