Centenary Celebration for our Church Building

Last Sunday we had a wonderful celebration of 100 years of worship at our Kings Road building.

Led by Mr John Ellis, Moderator of the General Assembly, our morning service was attended by James Arbuthnot MP and Hart District Council chairman Myra Billings, as well as more than 120 current and past church members and representatives of local organisations.  Holy Communion was celebrated by our Minister, Revd Ruth Dillon.

In his sermon Mr Ellis referred to the professed aims of the newly-built church when it opened on 15 July 1914: “for the assembling of God’s people, for the conversion of souls, the extension of Christ’s kingdom and the wellbeing of this town.”  Mr Ellis said: “These four purposes retain relevance today, but our challenge is to be innovative, creative and use technology to spread the Good News message.  The message must be relevant to this generation and future ones.  The church, as its name implies, is reformed and must be constantly reforming.”

After a special centenary cake was ceremonially cut by Miss Sheila Durbin and by Mahima Mathew, we all enjoyed a celebratory buffet which had been prepared by our catering team.

(The photo shows, from left to right: Mr John Ellis, Revd Ruth Dillon, Councillor Myra Billings, and Mr James Arbuthnot MP.)

Centenary of Church Building