Fleet URC Pilots, along with Pilots’ groups from all over the country and their families and friends, had a great time at the recent Big Day Out at Warwick Castle. Enjoy the photos!
Support Fairtrade in Hart
There will be a Hart District Council Fairtrade Event – ‘A Celebration of Fair Trade’ – on Wednesday 14th June, 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm at the Harlington Centre, Fleet GU51 4BY. This will be a free event with guest speaker Adam Gardner, Community Campaigns Manager at the Fairtrade Foundation. There will be Fairtrade refreshments, […]
Thy Kingdom Come Initiative
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland are encouraging all Churches, regardless of denomination, to be involved in a global prayer for mission and evangelism this week. Fleet URC will be open for personal prayer Monday to Friday, 10 am – 2 pm, with 30 minutes of led prayer at noon each day. Prayer stations will […]
Easter 2017: ‘He is Risen!’
(Click on a photo to enlarge)
URC Daily Devotions on line
Quiz Night
A very successful social evening was held on Friday – a fish and chip supper followed by a general knowledge quiz that had many of us scratching our heads! Quiz Night has become an annual favourite and this year was supported by over fifty members and friends of the church. Many thanks to John Gibbons […]
Baptism of Luke Graham Dumbleton
In an uplifting morning service led by our Minister Revd Ruth Dillon, we celebrated the baptism of Luke Graham Dumbleton today as he was welcomed into the family God. Luke was supported by many family members and friends – it was wonderful to see our church so full!
Young People Introduce Old Testament Characters
In the autumn term our young people’s group, ‘Footsteps’, studied some notable Old Testament characters. Then for each character they produced a poster indicating key elements of the Biblical story which, mounted together, formed a stunning visual display. On Sunday the young people introduced their handiwork to an appreciative congregation (click on each photo).
Cooking with Saju
Another fabulous fundraising curry night was delivered on Friday evening by Saju and Mary Mathew (assisted by Melvin and Mahima): an expert cooking demonstration, great meal and excellent fellowship. More than 80 people enjoyed the relaxed evening, which began with a masterclass from chef Saju, who effortlessly prepared and cooked lentil and spinach soup, chapatis, […]
Inspiration in your Inbox
Every day of the year, early each morning, the URC sends out, by email, a Daily Devotion consisting of a reading, reflection and short prayer. You can read them on your computer, phone or tablet, and they provide inspiration in your inbox! The Devotions are written by a team of over 90 people from a range of perspectives […]