1st Fleet West Rainbows, 6th Fleet Rainbows and 8th Fleet Rainbows
Three Rainbows units – 1st Fleet West, 6th Fleet, and 8th Fleet Rainbows meet at our church premises. The Rainbows are the youngest section of Girlguiding UK, aged from 4 to 7. The girls enjoy making friends, playing games, going on outings, and having sleepovers. The Rainbows meet in a safe, girls-only environment, which helps boost confidence and self esteem.
Note that, although the national starting age is 4, due to high demand in Fleet Division places are offered to girls from age 5.
4th Fleet Brownies
4th Fleet Brownies also meet at our premises. Brownies are a girls-only group and part of Girlguiding UK; they are usually aged between 7 and 10. Brownie meetings are action-packed and full of challenges, games and activities. There are often opportunities to take part in special activities and events throughout the year (eg to go on Brownie holiday or have a sleepover).
3rd Fleet Guides
3rd Fleet Guides also meet at the hall. Guides is for girls aged 10-14, and the meetings focus on gaining new skills and helping the community, as well as fun and games. There are also many opportunities to take part in trips, holidays, camps, and international adventures.
Girls can have their names added to the waiting list for Rainbows, Brownies or Guides via the following link: https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-a-child/
‘No matter how much time you have to give, there’s an opportunity for you.’ If you would like to get involved in giving girls opportunities, then find out more here: https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/get-involved/become-a-volunteer/