Book of Remembrance for Fleet and Church Crookham

LivingStones are holding a Book of Remembrance for the people of Fleet and Church Crookham and the surrounding villages for those we have loved and lost through this current Pandemic. This is open to anyone who would like to add a name to the book.

If you would like your loved ones’ names recorded together with others in the Book of Remembrance please send LivingStones a message via Facebook, send an email to or contact them using this form.

Please just include a name and age at the time of passing. The details will be entered into the book which will be kept in the window of LivingStones Christian Centre for the foreseeable future.

The only purpose of this book is to collectively remember and mourn as a community those we have loved and lost.  It is hoped that this might help to bring some small comfort to those who have suffered loss, and a sense of collective mourning for the people who have sadly died as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted  (Matthew 5:4)