On Thursday 18 March our study group met to consider the topic of individual prayer. We looked at three of the occasions on which Luke says that Jesus prayed: after his baptism, before choosing his disciples, and in the Garden of Gethsemane. We considered the questions: why did Jesus pray? and what difference did it […]
The Power of Music
Music can help children to communicate and interact with those around them. It can help them to relax and to express their emotions; and it can support children with severe emotional problems caused or compounded by the effects of war, poverty, neglect or abuse. Project Bethlehem Early last summer, the McCabe Educational Trust, together with […]
March March that can offer either storm or shine And lately gave a week of halcyon days, Blue skies still scarcely veiled by bud or leaf And brilliant light, unfiltered and undimmed, Today has brought proverbial wind and clouds, Scudding across the sky, chased by the sun. How beautiful grey clouds when lit by gleams […]