Sunday Worship for 13th September 2020 – Choosing Forgiveness

This Sunday our service is led by Lay Preacher Karen Smith. As we continue to explore Creation Time, Karen takes us on a tour of her cottage garden, sharing those places where she has felt close to God. We explore the garden to the sounds of the birds, squirrels, and Whistler the Old English Sheepdog, reflecting on how difficult we may find Choosing Forgiveness in our daily and faith life.

Special thanks to our readers, Philip Le Fanu and Tom Dean, from Beacon Hill URC. Also, many thanks to Sam Goodman for giving us permission to use his hymn, Let All Creation Praise Our Lord Above, this week.

Click here for an Order of Service: as MS Word document; as PDF.

Click here for an Order of Service in ‘large print’ format: as MS Word document; as PDF.

Subtitles can be accessed once the video is playing. Click on the CC square, the first icon at the bottom of the right side of the video.

(For all copyright licences click here; then, ‘Show More’.)

You can now dial in to listen to the service. Please pass on the following information to anyone you feel might be helped by this (eg if they don’t have a computer). The recording will be available throughout the week.

The audio service is accessed by dialling this number: 01252 978350. You will hear a recorded voice say, ‘Welcome. The Fleet and Beacon Hill United Reformed Church Service will play shortly’; and then there is quite a long pause before the service cuts in. (Please be patient as this can take a while.) The cost of the call is your normal charge for an 01252 phone call.

Click here to watch all worship videos from Fleet and Beacon Hill United Reformed churches on our YouTube channel.

URC Audio Service

Every Sunday the URC Daily Devotions team sends out a church service in both written and audio format. This has the feel of a radio service, and is in familiar URC style.

Sunday’s service explores the theme of Climate Sunday and is led by the Rev’ds Mike Shrubsole and David Coleman. Hymns include George Condor’s All Things Praise Thee Lord Most High, F S Pierpoint’s For the Beauty of the Earth, Keith and Kirstyn Getty’s Creation Sings the Father’s Song, and Fr Ernest Sand’s Sing of the Lord’s Goodness

The order of worship is here, and the recording of the service is here.
To sign up to receive these services directly to your own Inbox follow this link.