Pray for India

We have received this urgent request for prayers from our brothers and sisters at Palani Mission: “Please pray for India…  There is no control over people…they don’t wear masks and they are wandering around everywhere…..  Please kindly pray for India… we are in the hands of God, with no words to explain…”

This moving video brings home the terrible plight and despair of the Indian people as they battle this deadly second Covid wave:   Video: Covid Despair in India

In response to their desperate appeal our minister Ruth has written the following prayer, which she invites us all to pray with her and with our friends in Palani:

O Lord God,
Whose children are dying,
You who feels pain and cries with the suffering,
Be with your people from India, as we open our hearts and hands to you.

Give strength to those who are grieving.

Give peace to those who are dying.

Give a sense of presence to those who are following Covid guidelines.

Give an understanding to those who are confused about what to do.

We pray for leaders in communities and Indian government, that their words and actions may ring true.

Lord, you know that your children are fearful, but help them see right from wrong, the difference between being safe and unsafe, and that mask wearing and social distancing is vital to eliminate the virus and to bring healing.

Bless those who pray urgently and faithfully for days when people can be together safely.

Bless those who pray for healing and wholeness, for all people of India, regardless of faith.

May your Holy Spirit’s wings beat a fresh commitment into your people from India, until a new day emerges with your grace surrounding us.
In love we pray in Jesus name.

[The United Reformed Church publishes regular weekly prayers to help bring comfort and spiritual support during the pandemic:]