Poverty and Homelessness Action Week

Many local churches have been supporting Poverty and Homelessness Action Week, which has coincided with one of the coldest weeks of the winter, making homeless people particularly vulnerable.

The week, from 28 January to 5 February, is organised by Church Action on Poverty, Housing Justice and Scottish Churches Housing Action.

homelessThe theme this year is “Breaking Barriers” – barriers created by the stigma attached to being poor or homeless, and by the growing gap between the richest and poorest people in our society.  The organisers hope local churches will break these barriers by challenging prejudice, enabling excluded people to live full lives, and help build a fairer world.

Some churches are holding sponsored events, or raising awareness among schoolchildren.  Some ministers and lay preachers are using the theme “Breaking Barriers” in Sunday services, either on 29 January or 5 February.

Find out more about Poverty and Homelessness Action Week at www.actionweek.org.uk.

Photo credit: www.the-latest.com