- Worship and Pastoral Visiting
During their visit to Palani, Ruth, Bee and Val accompanied Revd John on his pastoral visits, and also attended worship. Ruth undertook a Bible study and preached at Sunday morning and evening services. They met with Junior Church and distributed friendship cards from Fleet URC,
Photos from Junior Church:
During their visit Ruth also assisted Revd John in the dedication of Grace’s son, John Heavenson.
- Visiting Rani and her Family
Through no fault of her own, Rani was forced to withdraw from her nursing training. Ruth, Bee and Val visited the family while they were in Palani.
- People
Some of the lovely people they met in Palani:
Additional photos:
- Day Centres
At the end of the trip to Palani Ruth, Bee and Val returned to Kerala and revisited Daya Sadan, the Day Centre for disadvantaged children and adults. They also went to the Janey Orphanage.
- Saying Goodbye
Saying goodbye to good friends at the end of the trip.