Prayer Partners 2014
To pray is to seek to enter, in heart, imagination and mind, the situations of all our brothers and sisters across the world whom we have not met, and to place ourselves alongside them.
April – Our Intern and his work
We pray for
- strength, understanding and passion for this year’s Commitment for Life Intern, Ian Rowe, as he attends meetings and works with youth and PILOT groups.
- the Fellowship of United Reformed Youth (FURY) in England, Scotland and Wales to be passionate about bringing an end to poverty. To understand that, in order to tackle the underlying causes of poverty, change must come from those in power: they can be part of a movement for change.
- all the Christian Aid Collective Interns as they tell the stories of their trip to Colombia in churches and youth groups of all denominations, and none.
With grateful thanks for your prayerful support.
Tamyra Sherratt
(photo credit: Ian Rowe/R Venner)